joe_tourist: The Pacific coastline at Cabo Velas
joe_tourist: Tamarindo beach looking North
joe_tourist: Tamarindo beach & river estuary looking North
joe_tourist: Passengers disembarking our aircraft at Tamarindo airport
joe_tourist: The Moon and Venus through the trees
joe_tourist: Peaceful beach in the morning
joe_tourist: Surfers on the beach waiting for waves
joe_tourist: Sun and the Moon decorations in the hotel sitting room
joe_tourist: A Magpie Jay perched in a papaya tree
joe_tourist: Female turtle tracks leading to a nest on the shore margin
joe_tourist: Action on the beach
joe_tourist: Surfing the waves
joe_tourist: Grandma playing with her grandchildren in front of a beautiful sunset
joe_tourist: A beautiful sunset
joe_tourist: Avellanas the hotel dog having a snooze on the beach
joe_tourist: Strong winds causing big surf
joe_tourist: Frigate bird soaring over the coastline
joe_tourist: A crab in the sand
joe_tourist: Turtle egg fragments
joe_tourist: Whimbrel on the beach
joe_tourist: Tame parrot in the bar
joe_tourist: Bare-Throated Tiger Heron in the mangrove
joe_tourist: Immature Boat-billed Heron in the mangrove
joe_tourist: Little Blue Heron
joe_tourist: Yellow-crowned Night-Heron
joe_tourist: Howler monkey in the trees beside the channel
joe_tourist: Little Heron in the mangrove
joe_tourist: Immature Blue Heron in the mangrove
joe_tourist: Mangrove in the Tamarindo estuary
joe_tourist: Crocodile in the water