joe_tourist: Blossoms and leaves on European Smoketree
joe_tourist: Tansy Ragwort
joe_tourist: California Poppy
joe_tourist: Blooming Woolly Sunflower
joe_tourist: St. John's Wort blossom
joe_tourist: Clematis flower
joe_tourist: Purple Bougainvillea
joe_tourist: Giant-sized Hibiscus blooming in a front garden
joe_tourist: Inside an Iris flower
joe_tourist: Great false leopardbane blossom
joe_tourist: Purple Iris blossom
joe_tourist: Honey bee feeding on French lavender blooming in a rock garden
joe_tourist: Miner's Lettuce blooming
joe_tourist: Blue Camus blooming in the Garry Oak meadow
joe_tourist: Blooming Bougainvillea bush at the mall
joe_tourist: Red Bottlebrush bush in bloom
joe_tourist: Chionodoxa luciliae (Glory of the Snow) in a front garden
joe_tourist: Blooming Oregon grape bush
joe_tourist: Large flower arrangement in the atrium
joe_tourist: Purple Crocus blooming in the Garry Oak meadow
joe_tourist: Sunflower blossom in a neighbourhood garden
joe_tourist: Yellow and orange Dahlia on the walking path beside the waterway
joe_tourist: Possibly a white flowered variety of the Scarlet Jungleflame plant
joe_tourist: A lovely little rock garden just down the block from our home
joe_tourist: Bumble bee on a pink Dahlia
joe_tourist: Wet Red Rhododendron blossoms contrasting with a green background
joe_tourist: White orchids in an elevator lobby
joe_tourist: Parakeet Flower (Heliconia psittacorum)
joe_tourist: Brilliant red orchid
joe_tourist: Heliconia