joe_tourist: Observatories on Maunakea in the morning light
joe_tourist: Maunakea and Hilo Bay shoreline in the morning light
joe_tourist: Ship's officers on the wharf greeting passengers as they depart to explore
joe_tourist: Kids jumping off the bridge and swimming and playing in the water
joe_tourist: Families swimming and playing in the water
joe_tourist: Memorial Banyan tree
joe_tourist: Sunday picnics happening under the Ironwood and Palm trees
joe_tourist: Family fishing from shore on a Sunday morning
joe_tourist: Common Myna in the grass under the trees
joe_tourist: Pacific Golden Plover perched on a stone pagoda in the pond
joe_tourist: Red Bottlebrush bush in bloom
joe_tourist: Prince Hitachi commemorative tree with a stone bridge and ponds
joe_tourist: In the shade of a Banyan tree
joe_tourist: Giant bamboo
joe_tourist: Saffron Finches in the grass under the Banyan trees
joe_tourist: Paddle boarders with the Koningsdam docked in the distance