joe_tourist: Aerial photo of Koningsdam docked at Canada Place
joe_tourist: Aerial photo of Koningsdam docked at Canada Place
joe_tourist: Bakery treats and menu items at the Grand Dutch Cafe
joe_tourist: Canada Place and the Pan Pacific Hotel
joe_tourist: Vancouver Convention Centre, seaplanes, Coal Harbour with downtown towers
joe_tourist: Harbour Air seaplane taxiing to the dock in Coal Harbour with pleasure craft and Chevron fuel dock, Brockton Point, Stanley Park, Lion's Gate bridge and the North Shore mountains
joe_tourist: Sailaway party on the Seaview pool deck
joe_tourist: Our ship passing under Lion's Gate Bridge
joe_tourist: People waving as our ship passing under Lion's Gate Bridge
joe_tourist: People waving as our ship passing under Lion's Gate Bridge
joe_tourist: Our ship passing under Lion's Gate Bridge
joe_tourist: As the ship sails away, Burrard Inlet, Prospect Point Lighthouse, Lions Gate Bridge with the skyline behind Stanley Park
joe_tourist: People on the seawall at Prospect Point Lighthouse watching our ship sail away
joe_tourist: As the ship sails away, Burrard Inlet, Prospect Point Lighthouse with Mount Baker behind the Burnaby skyline
joe_tourist: Siwash Rock and Stanley Park Seawall
joe_tourist: Freighters anchored in English Bay with the city skyline and Mount Baker behind in the late afternoon
joe_tourist: hullo fast ferry heading to Nanaimo
joe_tourist: Koningsdam 2016 christening cruise wall display
joe_tourist: Crystal embedded globe in elevator lobby
joe_tourist: People playing Pickleball
joe_tourist: Boats and a coast guard helicopter at Cape Dissapointment
joe_tourist: The ship's mast with flags, lights, radar and anemometer
joe_tourist: Boats near the Fort Stevens shoreline at the mouth of the Columbia River with a ship on the open Pacific Ocean
joe_tourist: Six Starlink antennae on each side of the Sport Deck
joe_tourist: Astoria-Megler Bridge as our ship approaches the dock
joe_tourist: Koningsdam is docked
joe_tourist: Portway Tavern near the docks
joe_tourist: Suomi Hall Finnish Brotherhood
joe_tourist: Astoria Riverfront Trolly
joe_tourist: Atlas Imperial Diesel Engine