joe_tourist: Chestnut-backed Chickadee at the suet feeder
joe_tourist: Ruby-crowned Kinglet at the suet feeder
joe_tourist: Red-shafted Northern Flicker in the Garry Oaks in our snowy backyard
joe_tourist: Rhodondendron purple blossoms
joe_tourist: Rhodondendron purple blossoms
joe_tourist: Rhodondendron purple blossoms
joe_tourist: Pink Garden Phlox blossom
joe_tourist: Oregon Grape berries
joe_tourist: Pink Garden Phlox blossom
joe_tourist: Oregion Grape berries
joe_tourist: Purple and white pansy
joe_tourist: Marigold blossom
joe_tourist: Anna's Hummingbird perched in the Hawthorne tree
joe_tourist: Spotted Towhee on the feeder
joe_tourist: Female Ruby-crowned Kinglet on the feeder
joe_tourist: Female Orb Weaver spider on web outside the kitchen window
joe_tourist: Rotting wood fence plank lit from the side by the afternoon Sun
joe_tourist: Wooden clothes pins in a mesh wire container
joe_tourist: Male Downy Woodpecker on the suet feeder