joethefig: Don't Mind Me.....Just A Stick Here....
joethefig: Happy Valentine's Day
joethefig: Fly Swatter
joethefig: Little Ones
joethefig: Ring of Red
joethefig: A Couple Spots
joethefig: Preparing For Takeoff
joethefig: Eating Away
joethefig: Sippy...Sippy....
joethefig: Lint Balls In Trees
joethefig: Be Patient
joethefig: Paul Newman Eyes
joethefig: Now....Where Did I Drop That Rugrat.....
joethefig: Take That Barrister Wig Off....You Are In The States
joethefig: Trim That Neck Fluff, Already....
joethefig: Dinner
joethefig: Freedom
joethefig: Smile
joethefig: Downward Ho......
joethefig: Ribbit
joethefig: Siesta Time
joethefig: Beware Beasts Behind Pine Needles
joethefig: Some Orange
joethefig: His....
joethefig: .....And Hers....
joethefig: !!!!!HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!!!
joethefig: Give Back My Stick......
joethefig: Happy Easter
joethefig: Get Some Visine......Already.....