Joe Son of the Rock: Alexandra Fountain
Joe Son of the Rock: Chandlers Lane
Joe Son of the Rock: Alexandra Fountain
Joe Son of the Rock: Silhouette of 'The Lookout Point'
Joe Son of the Rock: Tay Whale Sculpture Loud Speakers
Joe Son of the Rock: Deck Chairs
Joe Son of the Rock: Deck Chairs
Joe Son of the Rock: Catering Vans
Joe Son of the Rock: "Bird and Bear"
Joe Son of the Rock: City Square
Joe Son of the Rock: Underneath the Arches
Joe Son of the Rock: Do you love your liver?
Joe Son of the Rock: Marmalade Mural
Joe Son of the Rock: Auld Tram (Converted to a Coffee Kiosk)
Joe Son of the Rock: Victoria 1838 Tartan
Joe Son of the Rock: Panmure Street
Joe Son of the Rock: The McManus
Joe Son of the Rock: "The Barrelman"
Joe Son of the Rock: Corner of Commercial Street and High Street
Joe Son of the Rock: Aunt Betty's Café
Joe Son of the Rock: Tay Whale Sculpture
Joe Son of the Rock: RRS Discovery