bruderbethor: Rolltreppe
STEPtheWOLF: a brighter tomorrow
Damian_Ward: Back from Somewhere
Chrisnaton: Bright future ahead
iwona_podlasinska: Into the light
Dalantech: Plant Bug
Saint-Exupery: Seclusion
kinaaction: playing with snow (Explore: Dec 29, 2015)
ebhenders: NO SIR!
Jurek.P: Night on the street :-)
Yukio.s: 薄明映す[Explored]
Chris Bainbridge1: Barn Owl, North Norfolk Coast
Nadège Gascon: Le chimpanzé et la paille
Abgewrackter: Kantinenbild
Justin Terveen: December River
water.drop: If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in every situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul. Harold Kushner
.chourmo.: Alessandro
lina zelonka: december afternoons
d_salter: Are You Looking at Me?
stefyBuff: Comunicazioni di massa..
Rumbatrader: EYES of RED
Fabio Cecchin: Empty rooms.
Chris Smith/Out of Chicago: Rockin' Into the Night
blueteeth: Dormancy
cate♪: waves splashed against the surfer.