joeesabol: Last to leave so we took photo
joeesabol: End of day, a good day!!
joeesabol: Wood tags went on favorite tree
joeesabol: Perm tag by team
joeesabol: First pear on scion, this season!!!
joeesabol: Happy grafters reveiw grafts
joeesabol: Larry n Lisen study graft success
joeesabol: Topping th succulent shoots
joeesabol: Mehe tops all succulent shoots
joeesabol: Team 5 is proud
joeesabol: Team 4 DP's team ... proud
joeesabol: DP is ready to prune!!
joeesabol: Team 6 proud, Gene is lead man
joeesabol: TJ and his pear
joeesabol: George on team 15 (beginners?)
joeesabol: Freddie n Marv work on their tree
joeesabol: Dick n Jeanie finish their tree
joeesabol: Walk to orchard
joeesabol: Meeting room - Very nice
joeesabol: Patti chairs the meetng
joeesabol: Joe tells another story?
joeesabol: Meeting location out of wind
joeesabol: Joe announcing next meetings
joeesabol: Larry Hollis thanks the BBQ crew. He had a strong team!!
joeesabol: Marie n Paul sit and eat
joeesabol: Don n Marlene are happy today
joeesabol: Lisen Bonnier is our host
joeesabol: Early arrivals park in row
joeesabol: Bread slice, big loaf!!
joeesabol: BBQ Chicken - Delicious!!!