joeesabol: Dean shares the raspberry story
joeesabol: Rasp the berry!!
joeesabol: Rasp. best
joeesabol: Dean talking to CRFG
joeesabol: Walking through 10 acres of hoop houses
joeesabol: Rasp. rows inside hoop
joeesabol: Dean has two years experience
joeesabol: Hoop crowd gathers, 68 came!!
joeesabol: Hoop meetng room sets up
joeesabol: Dan inspects Hoop construction
joeesabol: Blake is our taxi
joeesabol: DeBernardi family and Larry
joeesabol: Hoop on clear day!!
joeesabol: Dean and Larry get ready for taste test!!!
joeesabol: Rasp flower inside hoop
joeesabol: Touring ten acres
joeesabol: Raspberry lesson, we listen!!
joeesabol: Rasp. are 4 to 5 ft. tall, picked daily
joeesabol: Dean uses our microphone!!
joeesabol: Dahlias, our first batch planted April, 2011