joeesabol: Joe in his corner office
joeesabol: Jason checks phone numbers
joeesabol: Jill and Jason
joeesabol: Jill Jason and Martin get serious!!
joeesabol: Joe Timmons' Kitchen office, quiet tonight
joeesabol: Pastor Jane and Lauren
joeesabol: John in Cry Room.
joeesabol: Treasurer, Dr. Martin Lang
joeesabol: Martin is pleased, we took all the cards!!!
joeesabol: Howie sorts, Joan n Lauren pick
joeesabol: Paul and Joe preparing
joeesabol: Joe with glasses, ready to call!!
joeesabol: Joe and Jill get ready
joeesabol: Joe at work
joeesabol: Matin reads..
joeesabol: Martin reports our progress...
joeesabol: Joan Lauren and Howie pick the cards quickly!!
joeesabol: Martin n Mary at work
joeesabol: Leadership pair..
joeesabol: Mary and Martin work
joeesabol: Paul, Jill, and Kent
joeesabol: John n Pastor Jane take a break?