joeesabol: Young "Tree hugger" buys and apple tree!!
joeesabol: Local reporter....interviews our customer
joeesabol: Paul... must sit today!!! Bum leg.
joeesabol: New tree owner
joeesabol: Looking good on a beautiful day!!
joeesabol: Early shift ... all volunteers
joeesabol: VIP time at the microphone
joeesabol: VIP at the microphone!!
joeesabol: Lots of youth come to the front...
joeesabol: Ron interviews a student
joeesabol: The crowd!!
joeesabol: Ron at the microphone
joeesabol: Head table... welcome to Arbor Day
joeesabol: Beautiful day at Laguna Lake Park!!
joeesabol: Welcome!!!!
joeesabol: Lots of young folk came today!!!
joeesabol: Mayor Settle turns the microphone back...
joeesabol: Good crowd at 10 a.m.!!
joeesabol: First shift, looking good!!
joeesabol: Dave n Jim exlplain grafting
joeesabol: Dave Christie tells the graftng story.
joeesabol: Dave takes a good look at hs graft
joeesabol: Dave C was our "gifted grafter" today!!!
joeesabol: Arbor Day SLO 2009