joeesabol: Scion buds must go up!!!
joeesabol: Very smooth on the "A" side of the graft
joeesabol: Perfect fit....
joeesabol: Proper knife work...
joeesabol: Perfect knife work.... students watch!!!
joeesabol: DSC_2528
joeesabol: DSC_2527
joeesabol: DSC_2526
joeesabol: DSC_2525
joeesabol: Knife goes only 1 inch into stock
joeesabol: DSC_2523
joeesabol: Knife splits the stock...
joeesabol: DSC_2520
joeesabol: DSC_2519
joeesabol: DSC_2518
joeesabol: DSC_2517
joeesabol: DSC_2516
joeesabol: DSC_2515
joeesabol: DSC_2514
joeesabol: DSC_2513
joeesabol: DSC_2512
joeesabol: DSC_2511
joeesabol: DSC_2509
joeesabol: Joe gives Steve a quick review...
joeesabol: DSC_2506
joeesabol: Sharp knife cuts away from the body!!
joeesabol: Steve takes notes!!!
joeesabol: Board work.... what a mess!
joeesabol: DSC_2587
joeesabol: Sharing scion wood