joeesabol: Ron, Jim, and Dave in sunshine
joeesabol: Paul n Marie in sunshine
joeesabol: Mary Carolyn Jim
joeesabol: Marilyn in sunshine
joeesabol: Larry speaks...
joeesabol: Larry and Jeanie chat before the meeting
joeesabol: Karen and Lach bundled up and warm...
joeesabol: Jaleah n Joe
joeesabol: Warm in the sun...
joeesabol: IMG_4920
joeesabol: Helen
joeesabol: Halcyon and Mt. View - our destination!!!
joeesabol: Free Tomato plants
joeesabol: Free Tomatoes
joeesabol: Don n Marlene
joeesabol: Carol and friend
joeesabol: Carmela n Mark
joeesabol: Billy Ruth M.
joeesabol: seating limited
joeesabol: Tom speaks in the cool shade..
joeesabol: Tom Ikeda
joeesabol: Tom 8
joeesabol: Tom 7
joeesabol: Tom 6
joeesabol: Tom 1
joeesabol: Tom 002
joeesabol: Standard bed of two-row lettuce
joeesabol: Shade is cool
joeesabol: Owen points
joeesabol: Larry H. 2