joeesabol: The track before
joeesabol: The track
joeesabol: The crowd gathers
joeesabol: No need
joeesabol: National Anthem
joeesabol: Mustang Fever
joeesabol: Mike at the mic
joeesabol: IMG_3702
joeesabol: IMG_3701
joeesabol: Front up!!
joeesabol: Starting Team
joeesabol: IMG_3698
joeesabol: Troubles....
joeesabol: IMG_3696
joeesabol: IMG_3695
joeesabol: Starting team...2
joeesabol: IMG_3692
joeesabol: IMG_3691
joeesabol: IMG_3689
joeesabol: IMG_3687
joeesabol: IMG_3686
joeesabol: IMG_3684
joeesabol: IMG_3683
joeesabol: IMG_3682
joeesabol: IMG_3680
joeesabol: IMG_3674
joeesabol: Mustang Fever...
joeesabol: Mustang Fever, Cal Poly's entry
joeesabol: Gary working
joeesabol: Dr. and Mrs. Andy Holtz