joeesabol: Six workers take abreak
joeesabol: Ron Regan gives instructions on tree planting
joeesabol: Rick Grether Planting along curb
joeesabol: Rick Grether loves to work!!
joeesabol: Rich Bob Paul Ginny nearly finished with their tree
joeesabol: Plum post pounding
joeesabol: Purple Plum Post Pounding
joeesabol: Plum fun down over the edge
joeesabol: Plum fun over the wall
joeesabol: Plum tree needs box removed
joeesabol: Plum fun over the wall
joeesabol: Plum fun along Hwy. 101
joeesabol: Plum fun along Cal Trans Fence
joeesabol: Planting crew near Fredericks
joeesabol: Lois Butler plants the curb
joeesabol: Lois planting curb
joeesabol: KSBY on site for the 6 o'clock news!!!
joeesabol: KSBY camera crew came!
joeesabol: KSBY filming our efforts
joeesabol: KSBY's Lauren Knight interviews Bill Planting
joeesabol: KSBY's Lauren Knight interviews Bill Planter
joeesabol: Kit bringing topsoil to the iris beds...
joeesabol: Kit Long planting nearly 200 iris!!
joeesabol: Kit plants the fence border with iris
joeesabol: John Phillips seems to be in charge
joeesabol: John makes a clean sweep
joeesabol: Jim Tabb loves this magnolia tree
joeesabol: Jill Sabol adds mulch to the beds, late afternoon!
joeesabol: Jason "Radar," our most helpful tractor operator
joeesabol: Bill Planter is being interviewed