-Joe'S-: Yellow Flowers in the Field, The Alps, France
-Joe'S-: The Trees in the Field, The Alps, France
-Joe'S-: The Marshmallow Bicycle, Annecy, France
-Joe'S-: The Cow before the Thunderstorm, The Alps, France
-Joe'S-: The Local Food Store, Annecy, The Alps
-Joe'S-: The Green House near the River, Annecy, France
-Joe'S-: Cascade du Dard, Alps, France
-Joe'S-: The Cat on the Window, Annecy, France
-Joe'S-: Windows and Shutters, Annecy, France
-Joe'S-: The Small Village in the Mountains, The Alps, France
-Joe'S-: The Small Church, The Alps, France
-Joe'S-: Col des Aravis, The Alps, France
-Joe'S-: In the wind..., Alps, France