Joe Rayment-:
Police search a man's bag after arresting him near College
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Now hiring
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Riot Police line in the Financial District
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Not above a photo op
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Man flashes a peace sign as riot police advance up the street
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"Fuck the G20"
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Riot police extend their batons
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A police officer with a big gun
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Riot police by graffitti in the Financial District
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Protesters stand close to the riot police line
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Some people take a seat and play some music in front of the line
Joe Rayment-:
Some people take a seat and play some music in front of the line
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"No G20" spelled out in sod on the road
Joe Rayment-:
"No G20" spelled out in sod on the road
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The riot police line after it had advanced about a block
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A broken window at a CIBC after G20 demonstrations
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Some protesters trying to decide where to get a drink
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Some protesters crossing the street on College
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Police and protesters at the holding area near Pape
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After hours of walking together, police and protesters finally strike up what looks like an amicable conversation
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Police lined up along the road facing protesters
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Flying a flag during the walk to Pape
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Some bar patrons coming out to see the ruckus
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The protest waiting for the street car
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Police blocking traffic as protesters come down Sherbourne
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Marching two-by-two, hurrah
Joe Rayment-:
Marching two-by-two, hurrah
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Rallying the troops
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Police hang back after the hundreds-strong march empties into Allan Gardens
Joe Rayment-:
Two police officers checking out the situation at the edge of the tent city