Joep Polaroid Photography:
Bloody red roses
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Deep Autumn red
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Joep Polaroid Photography:
The perfect blooming
Joep Polaroid Photography:
The gate
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Brightness in the dark
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Pumpkin love
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Winter strawberry's
Joep Polaroid Photography:
The winter sun gives warm colours
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Berry's facing the winter blue
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Joep Polaroid Photography:
The lovely blossoms
Joep Polaroid Photography:
About to open
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Lovely Yellow
Joep Polaroid Photography:
The Perfect Blue Sky
Joep Polaroid Photography:
Fabulous Fall