Joe Pemberton: Chocolate
Joe Pemberton: 20071218-DSC02631.jpg
Joe Pemberton: Michael is puzzled that his drink came with a love note
Joe Pemberton: 20071218-DSC02626.jpg
Joe Pemberton: Challenge: Draw a Mexican wrestling mask
Joe Pemberton: Challenge: write a caption for a picture of gnomes
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Joe Pemberton: Ashwin, Christian, Josh
Joe Pemberton: Christian, Josh, Peter, Ken, Patricia, Larry, Joe
Joe Pemberton: Christian, is that a scowl? Something in your soup?
Joe Pemberton: Ashwin, Christian, Josh, Judy, Peter, Joe
Joe Pemberton: Punchcrew at B
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Joe Pemberton: 20071218-DSC02555.jpg
Joe Pemberton: Aisha vs. Zara Play-Doh competition