joemurphy: Tom, with beer
joemurphy: Melissa, with cup
joemurphy: post cupcake fight
joemurphy: dead cupcake
joemurphy: Me, with cupcake on my face
joemurphy: Post-cupcake fight
joemurphy: mop shoe sandal
joemurphy: Dana so so serious
joemurphy: SNB10047
joemurphy: Niles and Jonathan photoseries
joemurphy: photoseries:niles
joemurphy: SNB10077
joemurphy: SNB10082
joemurphy: SNB10083
joemurphy: SNB10084
joemurphy: SNB10085
joemurphy: SNB10093
joemurphy: SNB10095
joemurphy: SNB10096
joemurphy: SNB10102
joemurphy: SNB10103
joemurphy: looking goofy
joemurphy: SNB10110
joemurphy: SNB10112
joemurphy: SNB10114
joemurphy: SNB10116
joemurphy: SNB10119
joemurphy: SNB10120
joemurphy: SNB10127
joemurphy: SNB10128