Joel Washing: Today's loaf: Olive Bread
Joel Washing: Today's loaf. I'm so excited about learning about this process.
Joel Washing: No knead loaf number two. Much better looking.
Joel Washing: No knead loaf number two. Much better looking.
Joel Washing: First result. I think too flat. But it taste awesome. We'll see what happens next time.
Joel Washing: First result. I think too flat. But it taste awesome. We'll see what happens next time.
Joel Washing: Second rise.
Joel Washing: Putting the dough in a bowl for the second rise.
Joel Washing: Adding corn meal to a cotton towel.
Joel Washing: Folding the dough.
Joel Washing: It has been 18 hours and the dough has risen.
Joel Washing: Got my no knead dough started tonight.
Joel Washing: Got my no knead dough started tonight.
Joel Washing: Tina picked up this Dutch oven at Aldi for $20. What a steal?!?
Joel Washing: Today's bread.
Joel Washing: It's tasty toasted with jam.
Joel Washing: Ah a successful night of drinking booze is complete. Oh, and I made this bread today.