Joel Veitch: Chaynsaw and Macro Ed
Joel Veitch: Stallion and Chaynsaw
Joel Veitch: Dancing
Joel Veitch: Don The FACE OF ROCK!
Joel Veitch: Soup on your head!
Joel Veitch: Doing!
Joel Veitch: Oooooooooooooooooh!
Joel Veitch: Oh yeah!
Joel Veitch: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!
Joel Veitch: Chaynsaw!
Joel Veitch: Macro Ed!
Joel Veitch: Stallion!
Joel Veitch: Woohoo!
Joel Veitch: Skipper
Joel Veitch: Whatsithair
Joel Veitch: Skankhammer!
Joel Veitch: Bopping for glory
Joel Veitch: We Like The Moon!
Joel Veitch: Rock out booze incident!
Joel Veitch: Skanking