joelsp: Just a block from my house, around the corner.
joelsp: The park.
joelsp: 2nd street by Champs
joelsp: Kayaker coming around the bend
joelsp: IMG_4558
joelsp: Cars and trucks with other debris floating along.
joelsp: Kayaker to the rescue.
joelsp: Car in water
joelsp: Water
joelsp: looking up 2nd street
joelsp: those steps go down to the sidewalk.
joelsp: Backyard Junk flooding
joelsp: There's a Subway over there, but I can't get to it.
joelsp: In front of Champs
joelsp: Dogs were playing in the streets.
joelsp: Weeeee!!!
joelsp: Zoooommm
joelsp: Reaching towards the park.
joelsp: Doggy drying off.
joelsp: Soccer? Water Polo?
joelsp: Water Hoops anyone?
joelsp: Skipping, or Throwing Rocks, one or the other.
joelsp: Flooded Street - Harrisburg Flood
joelsp: Plant storage tanks flooded - Harrisburg Flood
joelsp: Foggy Floody Night - Harrisburg Flood
joelsp: Flooded Truck Yard - Harrisburg Flood