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Vespas Antiguas/Oldies by Joe Lomas
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Joe Lomas
Vespa SL
Joe Lomas
Vespa Super bicolor
Joe Lomas
Vespa 150 amarilla/Yellow 150 Vespa
Joe Lomas
Vespa SL (Detalle)
Joe Lomas
Azul con azul/Blue with blue
Joe Lomas
Vespa Super. Detalle/Detail
Joe Lomas
Joe Lomas
Vespa 125 Primavera
Joe Lomas
Vespa Jazz
Joe Lomas
Vespa PK125 XL con golpe/Rugged Vespa
Joe Lomas
Primavera sin color/Primavera(Spring)without color
Joe Lomas
Vespa Primavera 50
Joe Lomas
Primavera tras la reja/Spring (primavera) behind bars
Joe Lomas
Matador en Sevilla '92
Joe Lomas
Vespa de Correos (a través de mi retrovisor)/Post Service Vespa(Trough my rear view mirror)
Joe Lomas
Vespa verde lima/Green lime Vespa
Joe Lomas
Vespa Super
Joe Lomas
Vespa Electronic
Joe Lomas
Vespa Negra/Black Vespa
Joe Lomas
Vespa Mod
Joe Lomas
Vespa Naranja/Orange Vespa
Joe Lomas
Viejas amigas/Old chaps
Joe Lomas
Vespa 125 Primavera
Joe Lomas
Cheek to Cheek
Joe Lomas
Vespa 125 Primavera amarilla/A yellow Vespa
Joe Lomas
Llanta roja/Red rim
Joe Lomas
Vespa roja/Red Vespa
Joe Lomas
Vespa color granate/Burgundy Vespa
Joe Lomas
Una Vespa azul celeste/A light blue Vespa
Joe Lomas
Primavera roja/Red Primavera
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