joel n rosenthal: variable hawk
joel n rosenthal: white bellied antpitta
joel n rosenthal: coppery chested jacamar
joel n rosenthal: Pinchincha volcano
joel n rosenthal: IMG_0634v_filtered
joel n rosenthal: IMG_1638c
joel n rosenthal: red crested cotingas
joel n rosenthal: supercillaried hemispingus
joel n rosenthal: crimson mantled woodpecker
joel n rosenthal: IMG_1678f
joel n rosenthal: red crested cotingas
joel n rosenthal: orange breasted fruiteater
joel n rosenthal: red headed barbet
joel n rosenthal: velvet purple coronet
joel n rosenthal: silver throated tanager
joel n rosenthal: checker throated antwren
joel n rosenthal: swordbilled hummingbird
joel n rosenthal: IMG_0743c
joel n rosenthal: red crested cotinga
joel n rosenthal: brown inca
joel n rosenthal: IMG_0338 masked trogon
joel n rosenthal: hooded mountain tanager
joel n rosenthal: coppery chested jacamar
joel n rosenthal: masked trogon
joel n rosenthal: 7birds in this tree-can you spot and id all of them?
joel n rosenthal: violet tailed sylph