joelkelly: ow, my eyes hurt.
joelkelly: flingy sort of lights
joelkelly: red licorice
joelkelly: red light district
joelkelly: ow again
joelkelly: swirly
joelkelly: shifty eyes
joelkelly: sunshine
joelkelly: green light means go
joelkelly: travelling at the speed of light
joelkelly: headbangers
joelkelly: finger paints
joelkelly: worm bulbs
joelkelly: IMG_0746
joelkelly: IMG_0749
joelkelly: country dance
joelkelly: aaron carter, eat your heart out.
joelkelly: john k. samson
joelkelly: night
joelkelly: "did everything just taste purple for a second there?"
joelkelly: artist's representation of artist's own handwriting
joelkelly: "i once knew a woman who ate an entire bicycle!"
joelkelly: streaky
joelkelly: flutter
joelkelly: a notion