joeke pieters: Hold on, we will save you
joeke pieters: A few dandelions
joeke pieters: Power to the Dandelions.... Yeah!
joeke pieters: The Dandelion King wears a Crown, you knew that of course....
joeke pieters: Caveman
joeke pieters: More dandelions next year.....
joeke pieters: A Cold Dandelion
joeke pieters: I am wet....
joeke pieters: My first dandelion of this year....
joeke pieters: Fire..... a hotheaded dandelion.....
joeke pieters: Something went wrong.....
joeke pieters: Multi-headed Dandelion
joeke pieters: I do it my way.....
joeke pieters: Hang on....
joeke pieters: After some rain
joeke pieters: Round and around the world you go....
joeke pieters: Catching the evening sun
joeke pieters: Uhhh.... It is a dandelion.... :)
joeke pieters: I am wet and cold and a fly is teasing me.... Am I not sad :(
joeke pieters: Reluctant to leave home.....
joeke pieters: He thinks he is gorgeous....
joeke pieters: Dancing on pointe shoes....
joeke pieters: Naked sun
joeke pieters: I take my hat off....
joeke pieters: I love you....
joeke pieters: Which way.....? Ohhh, that way!
joeke pieters: Tralalalala........
joeke pieters: 'No matter what you try, I will always be taller than you....'
joeke pieters: Get your motor runnin'