joeinfulleffect: can you say american apparel?
joeinfulleffect: loki the legless wonder-kitten
joeinfulleffect: Tim having a great conversation with Dori
joeinfulleffect: Mike at 1600 ISO!!!!
joeinfulleffect: Pong on city hall
joeinfulleffect: The best part of Nuit Blanche 2008!
joeinfulleffect: Loki at f.... um something low
joeinfulleffect: MUDMASK!!!!
joeinfulleffect: loki lazing
joeinfulleffect: luke and katt are adorable
joeinfulleffect: Tim looking serious...
joeinfulleffect: Hair twirl
joeinfulleffect: Mum looking happy and ultra cute
joeinfulleffect: floor loki
joeinfulleffect: documentary of a passenger 2
joeinfulleffect: documentary of a passenger 1
joeinfulleffect: hanging basket
joeinfulleffect: Getting dinner ready
joeinfulleffect: Stretch Portrait
joeinfulleffect: mid shoot
joeinfulleffect: documentary of a passenger 3
joeinfulleffect: Healing Flora
joeinfulleffect: 87 going on 6 years old
joeinfulleffect: Loki helping get ready for Halloween
joeinfulleffect: wonky door
joeinfulleffect: when cheeks match wine :)