Joe Hughes: Beaver Club Porch
Joe Hughes: Resting Boat
Joe Hughes: Sparkling Pond
Joe Hughes: Justina, Star, Jill, Nick, Mike
Joe Hughes: Justina gazing at the pond
Joe Hughes: Cabin Windows
Joe Hughes: Boats
Joe Hughes: Nick and Star play on the dock
Joe Hughes: Camden boats
Joe Hughes: Nick, matador
Joe Hughes: IMGP0533.JPG
Joe Hughes: IMGP0534.JPG
Joe Hughes: IMGP0536.JPG
Joe Hughes: Candle Lighting 1
Joe Hughes: Candle Lighting 2
Joe Hughes: IMGP0547.JPG
Joe Hughes: IMGP0548.JPG
Joe Hughes: IMGP0552.JPG
Joe Hughes: IMGP0553.JPG
Joe Hughes: IMGP0554.JPG
Joe Hughes: IMGP0556.JPG
Joe Hughes: Fishing out the beers
Joe Hughes: Passing time