Joe in DC: Ben Bergquam, professional douche
Joe in DC: IMG_2421
Joe in DC: IMG_2419
Joe in DC: IMG_2418
Joe in DC: IMG_2417
Joe in DC: IMG_2416
Joe in DC: IMG_2415
Joe in DC: IMG_2414
Joe in DC: IMG_2413
Joe in DC: IMG_2411
Joe in DC: IMG_2403
Joe in DC: IMG_2400
Joe in DC: IMG_2399
Joe in DC: IMG_2398
Joe in DC: Palestine marchers at Union Station
Joe in DC: Free Palestine
Joe in DC: Shut It Down protest at Union Station
Joe in DC: running for the train
Joe in DC: Gaza must live
Joe in DC: we are witnessing genocide
Joe in DC: chaos at Union Station
Joe in DC: intense conversation
Joe in DC: McDonalds damaged with Gaza graffiti and a broken window
Joe in DC: Rochambeau state in Lafayette Park after the Palestine march
Joe in DC: National Parks Service worker cleans up after Palestine protest
Joe in DC: Free Palestine! written on the Rochambau statue
Joe in DC: NPS clean up after the Palestine march
Joe in DC: Free Palestine demonstration at Union Station
Joe in DC: Palestinian protest at Union Station in Washington, DC
Joe in DC: IMG_2501