Joe in DC: officers get their story straight
Joe in DC: Streamer Warz
Joe in DC: DOA tries to figure out the rules of who is allowed to protest where
Joe in DC: MPD evicts Defender of Ants (DOA)
Joe in DC: harassing another counterprotestor
Joe in DC: the chuds of Freedom Corner
Joe in DC: MPD celebrates the eviction of Anarchy Princess
Joe in DC: Anarchy Princess walks away, watched by J6ers
Joe in DC: officers arrive to evict counterprotestor Anarchy Princess
Joe in DC: MPD evicts Anarchy Princess
Joe in DC: J6 counterprotestors did a fundraiser for an ALS victim
Joe in DC: Congressional Cemetery closed due to the J6 Insurrectionist Block Party
Joe in DC: Freedom Corner chud camp
Joe in DC: Freedom Corner, the nightly vigil outside the DC Jail
Joe in DC: flags and buffet
Joe in DC: live-streaming, sitting, buffet
Joe in DC: Chud
Joe in DC: counterprotestors
Joe in DC: Freedom Corner is a crime
Joe in DC: IMG_2250
Joe in DC: taking on the fasicsts
Joe in DC: Glorybee, unemployed insurrectionist fan girl
Joe in DC: Biketifa and DOA
Joe in DC: Warning: Thomas Eugene Tatum
Joe in DC: Ant was there in spirit
Joe in DC: counterprotestors vs the J6 vigil at the DC Jail
Joe in DC: left side of the street
Joe in DC: chupacabra sighting!
Joe in DC: loves box wine and Xanax