Joe in DC: Ukrainian and American flags on 16th St at night
Joe in DC: March for Ukraine outside the Russian Ambassador's Residence
Joe in DC: IMG_3844
Joe in DC: IMG_3843
Joe in DC: IMG_3842
Joe in DC: Russia: dump your demons
Joe in DC: no purgatory for war criminals
Joe in DC: IMG_3834
Joe in DC: ringing the bell of the Russian Ambassador's Residence
Joe in DC: IMG_3830
Joe in DC: IMG_3828
Joe in DC: IMG_3827
Joe in DC: IMG_3825
Joe in DC: Stand with Ukraine
Joe in DC: IMG_3822
Joe in DC: Give Ukraine fighter jets
Joe in DC: Ukrainian banner in Lafayette Park
Joe in DC: we beat them before and we'll do it again
Joe in DC: march at the White House
Joe in DC: Shenandoah for Ukraine
Joe in DC: Stop Ruscism
Joe in DC: Peace for Ukraine
Joe in DC: tourists cheer Ukraine
Joe in DC: March for Ukraine on H St