Joe in DC: IMG_2694
Joe in DC: Brooke Pinto (right) during Open Streets 7th St
Joe in DC: Julie Lawson
Joe in DC: IMG_2702
Joe in DC: mural over 7th St
Joe in DC: fastest pitch
Joe in DC: lost in the foam during Open Streets 7th St
Joe in DC: foam machine during Open Streets 7th St
Joe in DC: IMG_2711
Joe in DC: silent disco
Joe in DC: fitness class
Joe in DC: 20th anniversary bus
Joe in DC: AwesomeCon family
Joe in DC: IMG_2719
Joe in DC: DC's Different Drummers
Joe in DC: IMG_2723
Joe in DC: running up 7th St
Joe in DC: skateboarder gets some air
Joe in DC: DC Public Library bike
Joe in DC: dog sled
Joe in DC: go-go under the Chinatown Arch
Joe in DC: Shira and Ted
Joe in DC: Open Streets chalk drawing
Joe in DC: Wendy the Water Drop
Joe in DC: Abigail with rideshare info
Joe in DC: 7th St during Open Streets
Joe in DC: Monica campaigning for Erin Palmer
Joe in DC: foamtastic
Joe in DC: mmm, free cupcake
Joe in DC: free popsicle!