Joe in DC: official ballot drop box for the District of Columbia
Joe in DC: COVID-19 Drink up!
Joe in DC: Biden Harris on 15th St
Joe in DC: The Trump Era in a nutshell
Joe in DC: The Barbie Pond endorses Biden/Harris
Joe in DC: We need your vote
Joe in DC: Hay-Adams is not boarded up
Joe in DC: boarded up office building
Joe in DC: for lease
Joe in DC: St. Regis Hotel
Joe in DC: P.J. Clarke's is unconcerned
Joe in DC: no boards on Archibald's
Joe in DC: Jimmy John's is boarded up
Joe in DC: IMG_0526
Joe in DC: DC bike map poster
Joe in DC: Vote!
Joe in DC: The Plague Doctor
Joe in DC: smashed MAGA hat
Joe in DC: smashed MAGA hat and artist
Joe in DC: Jesus knows Trump is a fraud
Joe in DC: argument
Joe in DC: Potsquatch
Joe in DC: interview
Joe in DC: photographer uses ladder to get photo of White House
Joe in DC: protest on Black Lives Matter Plaza
Joe in DC: TV cameras
Joe in DC: St. John's Church Parish House
Joe in DC: remember when Trump held up a Bible here?
Joe in DC: IMG_0551
Joe in DC: photo op with Potsquatch