Joe in DC:
Bluejacket during the World Series
Joe in DC:
Joe in DC:
Joe in DC:
watch party
Joe in DC:
Joe in DC:
Joe in DC:
Joe in DC:
W on the waves
Joe in DC:
Yards Park
Joe in DC:
boots of beer at Dacha
Joe in DC:
cyclist by Nats Park
Joe in DC:
Joe in DC:
Lime scooter corral with chalk art
Joe in DC:
Centerfield Gate
Joe in DC:
Joe in DC:
DC Police Department at the World Series
Joe in DC:
biking to the World Series
Joe in DC:
Joe in DC:
final pitches at the Crown and Crow
Joe in DC:
JPS is nervous
Joe in DC:
for luck
Joe in DC:
Washington wins the World Series!
Joe in DC:
At last, Nats are champs
Joe in DC:
Nats flag on the Carnegie Institution
Joe in DC:
Congrats Nats from our neighbors to the north
Joe in DC:
waiting for the parade
Joe in DC:
parade crowd outside the Archives