Joe in DC: IMG_0582
Joe in DC: IMG_0583
Joe in DC: IMG_0592
Joe in DC: IMG_0595
Joe in DC: IMG_0604
Joe in DC: Don't make kids be in detention camps
Joe in DC: Human rights for all
Joe in DC: IMG_0608
Joe in DC: IMG_0611
Joe in DC: Close the camps
Joe in DC: IMG_0616
Joe in DC: Asylum seekers deserve respect
Joe in DC: IMG_0621
Joe in DC: Our greatness depends on our goodness
Joe in DC: IMG_0624
Joe in DC: IMG_0626
Joe in DC: IMG_0627
Joe in DC: Never Again
Joe in DC: Love Thy Neighbor
Joe in DC: IMG_0632
Joe in DC: Lights for Liberty
Joe in DC: IMG_0639
Joe in DC: Fuck Nazis
Joe in DC: boy and father at candlelight vigil
Joe in DC: I was a stranger and you welcomed me