Joe in DC: DDOT tears up the crosswalk with no safe accommodation
Joe in DC: DDOT to pedestrians: Drop dead
Joe in DC: blind woman helped through DDOT's disaster on 14th St
Joe in DC: good luck crossing this street
Joe in DC: if you're in a wheelchair, good luck
Joe in DC: a typically unsafe construction zone from DDOT
Joe in DC: DC's commitment to Vision Zero is unmatched
Joe in DC: DDOT continues their deconstruction of 14th St
Joe in DC: Pedestrians forced into the street by another DDOT project
Joe in DC: Cross the street? How?
Joe in DC: protected walkway shuffles pedestrians into bulldozer
Joe in DC: 14th and U NW
Joe in DC: deconstructing 14th St
Joe in DC: You need something sturdy for the rutted mess that is 14th St #bikedc
Joe in DC: Not only are the roads beat up in DC, but a chunk of Saint-Ex fell off the building and smashed into the sidewalk #bikedc #igdc #14thstreet
Joe in DC: 14th st bike lane construction gauntlet #bikedc
Joe in DC: 14th St is rough for cyclists #bikedc
Joe in DC: walk amid construction
Joe in DC: Q St is closed
Joe in DC: preparing to tear up the crosswalk
Joe in DC: walling off the bus stop
Joe in DC: crossing 14th St
Joe in DC: unsafe passage
Joe in DC: 14th Street construction - protected bike lane?
Joe in DC: future protected bike lane at bus stop
Joe in DC: where is the sidewalk?
Joe in DC: but it's the scooter that's the problem, right?
Joe in DC: crossing 14th St is a game of Frogger
Joe in DC: hazards for pedestrians
Joe in DC: scooting across 14th