Joe in DC: cherry blossom buds and the Jefferson Memorial
Joe in DC: cherry blossom signs
Joe in DC: cherry blossom bud
Joe in DC: cherry blossom buds at the Tidal Basin
Joe in DC: no crowds - yet
Joe in DC: scooting
Joe in DC: plum blossoms in February
Joe in DC: signs of spring at the World War I Memorial
Joe in DC: plumb blossoms at the WWI Memorial
Joe in DC: CaBi at the World War I Memorial
Joe in DC: IMG_0009
Joe in DC: where spring starts in DC
Joe in DC: plumb blossoms are here!
Joe in DC: cherry blossom buds at the Tidal Basin
Joe in DC: plumb blossoms starting to bloom in DC
Joe in DC: hey buddy
Joe in DC: plum blossoms blooming against a blue sky
Joe in DC: plum blossoms at the Washington Monument
Joe in DC: IMG_0039
Joe in DC: buds at Hains Point
Joe in DC: plumb blossoms and the Washington Monument
Joe in DC: IMG_0041
Joe in DC: cherry blossom bud bicyclist
Joe in DC: plum blossoms
Joe in DC: my bike at Hains Point
Joe in DC: plumb blossoms
Joe in DC: close-up of cherry blossom buds
Joe in DC: how much longer?
Joe in DC: cherry blossoms: stage three
Joe in DC: square cherry blossoms