Joe in DC: Batala
Joe in DC: IMG_0358
Joe in DC: Nini and friends
Joe in DC: IMG_0350
Joe in DC: IMG_0383
Joe in DC: skateboarder
Joe in DC: Eastern High School
Joe in DC: IMG_0330
Joe in DC: IMG_0355
Joe in DC: waving the flag at the Funk Parade
Joe in DC: I liked this Brompton
Joe in DC: IMG_0348
Joe in DC: salute the funk
Joe in DC: Soka Tribe at the Funk Parade
Joe in DC: skateboarding jump
Joe in DC: IMG_0332
Joe in DC: pulling the disco ball at the Funk Parade
Joe in DC: there goes the Funk Parade
Joe in DC: whip that hair
Joe in DC: watching the Funk Parade
Joe in DC: I heart female orgasm
Joe in DC: DC Wheels Skate Crusaders
Joe in DC: Batala drummer
Joe in DC: IMG_0363