Joe in DC: Monica Cofino in sepia
Joe in DC: Happy Campers
Joe in DC: IMG_6459
Joe in DC: IMG_6464
Joe in DC: IMG_6466
Joe in DC: IMG_6468
Joe in DC: a dance for cows
Joe in DC: IMG_6473
Joe in DC: costume change
Joe in DC: racing through the crowd
Joe in DC: the Swedes watch
Joe in DC: IMG_6499
Joe in DC: why, cruel parking gods?
Joe in DC: chasing the tourist
Joe in DC: the tourist turns
Joe in DC: IMG_6508
Joe in DC: IMG_6511
Joe in DC: telling an audience-member to fight her
Joe in DC: face off
Joe in DC: IMG_6515
Joe in DC: IMG_6516
Joe in DC: swinging udders
Joe in DC: IMG_6525