Joe in DC: Kathryn Cornelius and Holly Bass
Joe in DC: The sad bride at Save the Date
Joe in DC: divorcing Holly Bass
Joe in DC: A divorce, recorded
Joe in DC: the 4 PM groom - Andrew Bucket
Joe in DC: Andrew Bucket and Kathryn Cornelius
Joe in DC: walking up the steps of the Corcoran Museum
Joe in DC: The Bucket-Cornelius union
Joe in DC: married!
Joe in DC: IMG_4855
Joe in DC: the wedding cake door
Joe in DC: Bride and groom in a box
Joe in DC: in the box above the door
Joe in DC: museum-goers admire the couple
Joe in DC: in the box on top of the cake
Joe in DC: IMG_4866
Joe in DC: IMG_4867
Joe in DC: IMG_4868
Joe in DC: IMG_4870
Joe in DC: don't look behind the curtain!
Joe in DC: prepping for the big entrance
Joe in DC: listening for their cue
Joe in DC: congratulations!
Joe in DC: live streaming the event
Joe in DC: IMG_4889
Joe in DC: the traditional cake smashing
Joe in DC: IMG_4894
Joe in DC: IMG_4897
Joe in DC: classy
Joe in DC: throwing the bouquet