Joe in DC: the sign remains
Joe in DC: muddy sidewalk
Joe in DC: there used to be grass here
Joe in DC: we do not consent
Joe in DC: just a few tents remained
Joe in DC: more mud
Joe in DC: the library
Joe in DC: kids
Joe in DC: Park Police keeps guard
Joe in DC: this was grass once
Joe in DC: tent with flaps open
Joe in DC: protsters
Joe in DC: sleeping materials being removed at Freedom Plaza
Joe in DC: pre-cleanup
Joe in DC: Hazmat crew
Joe in DC: Park Police haul stuff away
Joe in DC: hauling away pallets
Joe in DC: Hazmat conference
Joe in DC: media looks on
Joe in DC: mainstream media and livestreamer
Joe in DC: National Theater
Joe in DC: livestreaming guy
Joe in DC: cleaned-up section of Freedom Plaza
Joe in DC: hauling away more pallets
Joe in DC: into the trash truck
Joe in DC: where dreams end up
Joe in DC: Park Police look on
Joe in DC: setting back up
Joe in DC: what an awful way to spend Superbowl Sunday
Joe in DC: lots of tents remain after cleanup