Joe in DC: IMG_3375
Joe in DC: the performance begins
Joe in DC: the performance
Joe in DC: CounterPoint
Joe in DC: IMG_3382
Joe in DC: IMG_3383
Joe in DC: strings performing at Audi Warhol
Joe in DC: CounterPoint performs for a late-afternoon audience
Joe in DC: an audience watched
Joe in DC: Warhol headlines
Joe in DC: crowd at National Gallery of Art
Joe in DC: DJ and cellist
Joe in DC: crowd watches from above
Joe in DC: Jason McCool and Philippa Hughes
Joe in DC: Jason and Warhol Headlines
Joe in DC: iPhone-obsessed
Joe in DC: another Jason
Joe in DC: interesting moment
Joe in DC: music
Joe in DC: stands
Joe in DC: IMG_3406
Joe in DC: IMG_3407
Joe in DC: IMG_3408
Joe in DC: IMG_3409
Joe in DC: filming the art or himself?
Joe in DC: up close and personal
Joe in DC: IMG_3415
Joe in DC: IMG_3417
Joe in DC: a very meta-moment with Philippa Hughes