Joe in DC: line to get in
Joe in DC: Gypsy Bar tent
Joe in DC: flyers for shows
Joe in DC: Pascal's Aquarium
Joe in DC: IMG_2104
Joe in DC: chickens
Joe in DC: IMG_2107
Joe in DC: IMG_2110
Joe in DC: Stella Artois tap
Joe in DC: Who's Your Baghdaddy?
Joe in DC: IMG_2117
Joe in DC: chicken feet
Joe in DC: Pinky Swear Productions
Joe in DC: the salute
Joe in DC: dreads
Joe in DC: trio
Joe in DC: Jon and Julianne
Joe in DC: IMG_2141
Joe in DC: IMG_2142
Joe in DC: exit
Joe in DC: Baldaccino bar now open
Joe in DC: IMG_2151
Joe in DC: Fringe and Purge
Joe in DC: IMG_2155
Joe in DC: turntable
Joe in DC: The star of Totally!
Joe in DC: dance scene
Joe in DC: working the turntable
Joe in DC: IMG_2171
Joe in DC: illumination under the stars