Joe in DC: Annie Coburn and the cast of Pretty All The Time
Joe in DC: Award
Joe in DC: Jon Gann and Annie Coburn
Joe in DC: pounding the table
Joe in DC: the venue
Joe in DC: reading of Born Again
Joe in DC: Tom Eugene O’Brien
Joe in DC: IMG_7270
Joe in DC: reading of Dry Cleaning
Joe in DC: IMG_7267
Joe in DC: Casey Stangl
Joe in DC: Man With A Bolex Movie Camera
Joe in DC: Jon Gann and Kelley Baker
Joe in DC: at the screenplay reading
Joe in DC: Anne Coburn
Joe in DC: acting
Joe in DC: narrating
Joe in DC: Colin Foster
Joe in DC: Elizabeth Appell
Joe in DC: Fran Kaplan
Joe in DC: Jon Gann explains how the evening will work
Joe in DC: rehearsal
Joe in DC: The tireless DC Shorts staff
Joe in DC: Casey Stangl and Elizabeth Appell
Joe in DC: rehearsal of Pretty All the Time
Joe in DC: Kelley Baker
Joe in DC: rehearsal of Man with a Bolex Camera
Joe in DC: rehearsal of Man with a Bolex Camera
Joe in DC: IMG_7227
Joe in DC: rehearsal of Born Again