Joe in DC: madrillenos
Joe in DC: discos
Joe in DC: libros
Joe in DC: ham hanging in the window
Joe in DC: jamon
Joe in DC: The symbol of Madrid
Joe in DC: plaza mayor
Joe in DC: IMG_3584
Joe in DC: IMG_3586
Joe in DC: reliefs on the plaza mayor
Joe in DC: little dog
Joe in DC: plaza mayor
Joe in DC: behind the music
Joe in DC: IMG_3598
Joe in DC: the drummer
Joe in DC: IMG_3606
Joe in DC: posing for pictures
Joe in DC: catedral de la amudena
Joe in DC: palacio real
Joe in DC: me in front of the palacio real
Joe in DC: palacio real
Joe in DC: taking pictures
Joe in DC: templo de debod
Joe in DC: stylish
Joe in DC: templo de debod
Joe in DC: templo de debod
Joe in DC: IMG_3632
Joe in DC: madrilenos
Joe in DC: money!
Joe in DC: long lines at the prado - i'll try tomorrow