JoeCollver: Waterfall above the reservoir
JoeCollver: Reservoir reflection
JoeCollver: Back at Ngau Wu Reservoir
JoeCollver: The view from the jungle
JoeCollver: Live above the station for 2k a square foot
JoeCollver: Cotton tree releases its cotton in April and May
JoeCollver: All yours for a humble price of 1.8k USD a square foot
JoeCollver: Ready to board?
JoeCollver: Ngau Ngak Shan (677m) and Tiu Shau Ngam (589) from Wu Kai Sha Beach
JoeCollver: Guan Yin statue in the distance
JoeCollver: Highrises can't compete
JoeCollver: Safe harbor
JoeCollver: Wu Kai Sha Beach
JoeCollver: Cows in the city
JoeCollver: I'm glad there's a bar between me and his massive maw
JoeCollver: Urban moo encounter
JoeCollver: Mountain between the highrises
JoeCollver: Towers and mountain
JoeCollver: View across the bay to the Boddhisatva statue
JoeCollver: A look up the gully above Ngau Wu Reservoir
JoeCollver: Ngau Wu Reservoir
JoeCollver: Following the path of the stream up to the reservoir
JoeCollver: Wu Kai Sha village cemetery
JoeCollver: Turtle dragons on a tomb
JoeCollver: Elevated expressway
JoeCollver: Tomb under the mountain
JoeCollver: Lion guardians
JoeCollver: Urns instead of caskets
JoeCollver: Cemetery on the mountain
JoeCollver: Lake Silver Condos