JoeCollver: Hello Edinburgh!
JoeCollver: Yum yum
JoeCollver: Edinburgh in full fringe mode
JoeCollver: A statue looks on
JoeCollver: A patch of green
JoeCollver: Haggis flavored crisps
JoeCollver: Castle on a hill
JoeCollver: Sunset over Arthur's Seat
JoeCollver: Sunset over Arthur's Seat
JoeCollver: All lit up
JoeCollver: Institute of Geography, formerly an infirmary
JoeCollver: Institute of Geography, formerly an infirmary
JoeCollver: Same view the next morning
JoeCollver: Looking up in Edinburgh
JoeCollver: Royal Mile
JoeCollver: Outside Edinburgh Castle
JoeCollver: The castle from below
JoeCollver: Castle Terrace
JoeCollver: Castle Terrace
JoeCollver: Looking toward the castle
JoeCollver: Looking up at the castle as the sun comes out
JoeCollver: Walking around the parish cemetery
JoeCollver: Walking around the parish cemetery
JoeCollver: Resting beneath the castle
JoeCollver: Glasgow bound
JoeCollver: St. John's Episcopal Church (1818)
JoeCollver: Impressive tombstone
JoeCollver: Edinburgh Castle above Princes Street Gardens
JoeCollver: Nice day for a doubledecker ride