JoeCollver: Kamogawa river in spring
JoeCollver: Green along the river
JoeCollver: Entrance to Kyoto Botanical Gardens
JoeCollver: Middle school students painting in the park
JoeCollver: Kyoto green
JoeCollver: Nice branch
JoeCollver: Some stay red
JoeCollver: Standing under looking up
JoeCollver: Students under the sakura
JoeCollver: Borrowed scenery
JoeCollver: Last judgement with trees
JoeCollver: Kyoto Garden of Fine Art
JoeCollver: Inside looking out
JoeCollver: Green is back
JoeCollver: Needs a new paint job
JoeCollver: Three colors
JoeCollver: The dark side of spring
JoeCollver: Watermill in Bampaku Koen
JoeCollver: Rainy days mean green days
JoeCollver: Bitesized waterfall
JoeCollver: Sea of green
JoeCollver: After the rain
JoeCollver: Forest ceiling
JoeCollver: Above the trees
JoeCollver: Makiko enjoying the spring leaves
JoeCollver: Crossing the bridge
JoeCollver: One torii without orange paint
JoeCollver: More crazy branches
JoeCollver: Under
JoeCollver: Fushimi green